Why Choose Us?

As the subject experts & market leaders for English, Mathematics, Science, Creative Writing, GEP & Chinese, we believe that we can be your trusted education partner in
guiding and nurturing your child in his/her learning journey, be it at the PRE-SCHOOL, PRIMARY or SECONDARY levels.

As educators, we hold the view that all students have the potential to excel, regardless of their individual ability. At Mind Stretcher, we strive to stretch every young mind and the potential of each student to the fullest.

With our consistent and stellar track record in producing academic Achievers and High Achievers over the years, we are the Tuition & Enrichment centre of choice for many parents and students.

With 24 centres islandwide, we have been the trusted education partner for over 250,000 students since 2002.


To be the leading enrichment institution in Asia, where students’ potential for greatness is fully stretched.


To make Mind Stretcher the preferred enrichment institution for all by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and an exceptional learning experience.


Service excellence
Continuous learning

Brand Promise

Stretching our students’ academic abilities while retaining their love for learning.

Kristie Lim

Our Founder

Kristie Lim

Founding Principal

A double-degree holder from the National University of Singapore and the University of London, Kristie is both a trained accountant and a lawyer. She also has a Certificate in Early Childhood Education.

In the spirit of continual learning that she advocates, Kristie embarked on a mid-career change in her 30s. After leaving the legal profession, she ventured full time into the highly-challenging, yet fulfilling arena of tuition and enrichment.

A passionate educator at heart, Kristie has always believed that it is imperative to provide students with a good foundation from a young age. It was with this in mind that Mind Stretcher was conceived in 2002 – to provide value-added tutorial and enrichment lessons to the general masses and to stretch the potential of each and every student, regardless of his/her background. Starting her own tuition & enrichment centre also afforded Kristie some flexibility in working hours, which was especially important given the fact that she was then a single mother, tending to four young children.

Besides being involved in the operational aspects of the business, she was also instrumental in developing and writing the mind-stretching curricula for Science and Mathematics in the nascent years. Her eldest son, a 2012 President’s Scholar whom she coached, is the best testimony of Ms Kristie’s expertise as an educator.