YMCA’s 3rd Student Care Centres’ (SCC) Storytelling Competition

October, 24th 2015, By MS Googler at 11.55 pm

Mind Stretcher was proud to be the main sponsor for YMCA’s SCC Storytelling Competition held on the 10th of September 2015 at YMCA building. This yearly event sees students from both the lower and upper primary categories calming their nerves and going onstage to tell a story based on the theme of “Singapore Stories”.  These students are from the various student care centres of YMCA located all around Singapore.

The hype and excitement were evident in the students’ eyes coupled with some jittery nerves. The room was filled with positivity as one by one contestants go on stage to share their stories, all receiving rousing rounds of applause from their members of the audience. Seeing the support from their classmates, the nerves soon disappear and the finalists were all filled with pride with their hard work of many practice sessions.

The finalists each received a goody bag containing books, science experiment kits and vouchers up to $300 per person for programmes and workshops in Mind Stretcher. The parents and winners were over the moon with the generous gifts from Mind Stretcher.

In addition, an article of the event was published in YMCA’s Quarterly Y-Factor Magazine which has a circulation of 3000 viewership (YMCA members; staff members; YMCA Education – Tertiary & School; Child Development & Student Care Centres; partners, etc.); YMCA Facebook and CDC|SCC Flickr.