Mind Stretcher Online


Thinking of trying out our MS effective lessons in the comfort of your home?

Good news! Now your child can attend Mind Stretcher lessons from your home with our online courses!

<Click HERE for our AY2022 Class Schedule!>

*NEW!* <Click HERE for our AY2023 Class Schedule!>


Some benefits of our online classes:

Mind Stretcher Online Classes

Class Engagement  

Students are able to engage with their teachers easily by raising their virtual hand if they have a question or typing in the chat. Even shy students are able to participate more and share their views during the lesson. Our teachers have also shared that students are more focused and engaged during the lesson.


Ease of Access

Learn in the comfort of your home and ensure that your child’s learning is not disrupted during this period. You also save travelling time and transport cost! This results in more time to spend with your family and loved ones during this period.


Hard Copies of Worksheets

Like our actual classes, hardcopy of the worksheets will be provided, so that your child can participate and learn effectively. We will be mailing the worksheets to you.


Class Schedule & Fees

<Click HERE for our AY2022 Class Schedule!>

*NEW!* <Click HERE for our AY2023 Class Schedule!>


Kindly note that there will be a nominal mailing cost of $5 per course per month for us to send the worksheets to you.


Enjoy MS Student-Exclusive Benefits 

  1. Enjoy preferential price for our ever-popular value-added webinars
  2. MS student/parent only webinars
  3. Comprehensive support for MS Student


Hear from our students, parents or teachers!


Tenzin, on how MS Online lessons has helped in her preparation for the O Levels


Florence & her dad, on her MS Online experience


Teacher Kannagi, on her online teaching experience for P1 Accelerated Learners Class

Teacher Constance, on her online teaching experience for P5 Science Achiever Class


Get in touch with us today!