P1 Chinese Preparatory / 小一预备 (K1 & K2)

Academic Level: K1 & K2

The P1 Chinese Preparatory programme is designed with Primary 1 Chinese standards in mind. It eases students gradually into an academically-focused environment, with a focus on strengthening their foundation in the Chinese language.

To be proficient in the Chinese language, it is imperative that a child builds up a solid foundation and develops a real love for the language; and the best time to do this is when they are young. New Chinese characters and vocabulary are introduced through picture talk, rhymes and riddles. For each lesson, children will learn different strategies to recognise the Chinese characters: writing the strokes and the correct sequence of writing through pictures, games and the use of the interactive whiteboard.

Let your child have the Chinese advantage with our highly stimulating and engaging P1 Chinese Preparatory programme now!

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