Chinese Hanyu Pinyin / 汉语拼音 (K2 – P1)

Academic Levels: K2, P1

Hanyu Pinyin (汉语拼音) should be the basic foundation of any child’s study of the Chinese language. Anybody who wishes to speak Chinese well, should start his learning journey with the Pinyin system.

Not only is the mastery of Hanyu Pinyin a crucial component in developing a solid foundation for learning Chinese, it is also an important cog in the world of electronic media and digital Chinese input today.  

We have made learning of Hanyu Pinyin easy; we use corresponding pictures of words to help the children associate and understand the meaning of Chinese words. Children will master accurate pronunciation and recognise Hanyu Pinyin through specially-crafted oral practices and interactive games.

Our 15-Hour Internsive Hanyu Pinyin Programme is conducted in June and November. For more details, please click here (to link to our events page) or register your interest at

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