Primary Science

Science is a breeze if you grasp its key concepts. Our Primary Science programme is well known for its academic rigour and practical relevance.  With interactive and detailed notes (hard copy and online via MS e-Study Buddy), hands-on exercises and up-to-date question sets, we prepare our students not only to excel in Science examinations in schools and the PSLE, but also to appreciate Science as a subject in our everyday world.

Based on a structured syllabus that combines theoretical and practical instruction, our Primary Science curriculum makes the learning of Science both fun and interesting. By engaging our students intellectually and stimulating them to contemplate deeply about scientific principles, this two-pronged approach nurtures their inquiring mind and a lifelong passion for the subject.

The following are the main components that our students will receive when they attend our science programme:

  1. Study Notes
    • These detailed topical notes will be handed out to students when new topics are introduced and also when topics are revisited in subsequent years.
    • The study notes also summarises the key concepts of different topics which includes key words and phrases to use when answering questions
    • Students will learn how to use the structured approach to answer questions with the use of AIR – Apply It Right.
  2. Concept paper
    • This is a yardstick of students’ understanding as it allows the teacher to identify the students’ weakness and help them better
    • This also allows re-teaching of the ceoncepts based on areas of weakness, reinforcement of concepts and discussions to discover misconceptions
  3. Junior Einstein @ Work
    • This is an inquiry approach that scaffolds the learning process through activities and demonstrations with the use of simple materials
    • Videos of experiments will also be used an an alternative platform to demonstrate concepts that require too very complex materials
    • This will engage students to apply scientific knowledge in their learning process
  4. Concept Map
    • This is a pictorial representation of concepts that provides strategic and meaningful relationship among concepts
    • This will enable useful organisation and link among ideas and concepts
  5. Science Bulletin
    • This is a platform that will bring Science closer to home for the students to make it more relatable and more interesting for the students
  6. Practice Paper/Revision Paper
    • This provides a platform for learning through corrective measures
    • It will provide a platform for students to attempt examination-like questions individually with some guidance from the teacher
    • Teachers are able to assess students’ learning and direct students to the study notes that meet their needs
  7. Topical Revision Paper
    • These are assessment questions that provides opportunities for students to revisit previous topics that includes a section where students can revisit and reconstruct concepts before attempting the questions
  8. Higher-Order Thinking Questions 
    • These are challenging questions that exposes the students to a variety of unconventional questions to test the students’ understanding and ability to apply concepts at a deeper level
    • It also provides a platform for teachers to engage students in scientific discussion
  9. Checkpoints and Assessments
    • This is a time-based assessment that is conducted under exam conditions which provides an appropriate environment for students to practice examinations skills
    • It will then allow teachers to assess students’ learning and re-teach concepts and skills that they are not familiar with


The Science programme at Mind Stretcher provides a dynamic and relevant curriculum that reviews questions and concepts yearly to constantly improve and help students. The balance of engagement and drill in classes together with the PSLE-styled question types provides a cascading of PSLE skills training to all students from Primary 3. The high achievers and GEP students will be exposed to higher-order science questions to stimulate & challenge them. This will stretch their boundaries of understanding in this fascinating subject.

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