Primary Creative Writing


Becoming an A* Writer @ Mind Stretcher
– Where the pen will eventually become mightier than the sword –



Primary 1 & 2 Budding Writers
Building a Strong Foundation

At primary 1 and 2, students are developing basic skills in reading and writing. In order to help them gain confidence in acquiring these skills, our Budding Writer programme focuses on helping students build a strong foundation in the English Language.


Key Areas of Focus:
– Build a strong foundation in writing clearly and accurately
– Edit sentences and expressions for grammar and structure
– Create interesting and authentic content through lively discussion
– Acquire and learn to use vivid vocabulary and phrases correctly
– Model after good pieces of writing / Mind-Stretching model compositions to reinforce learning



Primary 3 & 4 A* Writing Lab
Experimenting with Writing Skills and Creative Techniques

At primary 3 and 4, students are beginning to find a voice in their writing. They are also more eager to try new skills and techniques to make their writing more interesting. Our A* Writing Lab programme encourages students to move out of their comfort zone and experiment with writing creatively and well.


Key Areas of Focus:
– Practise applying writing skills and techniques effectively
– Edit writing for clarity, effectiveness and interest value
– Brainstorm for good and relevant ideas that address specific task requirements
– Learn to use and adapt vivid vocabulary and phrases to achieve specific purposes and effects
– Analyse and model after good pieces of writing / Mind-Stretching model compositions to reinforce learning



Primary 5 & 6 PSLE A* Writers
Writing Effectively with Purpose and Intention

At primary 5 and 6, students want to be equipped with skills that they can confidently apply in order to score in writing assessments and in the PSLE. They are passionate about engaging the readers and are ready to sharpen their swords to tackle various writing prompts. Our PSLE A* Writer Programme is designed to give students an unfair advantage in writing and maximise their chances of scoring AL1-2 in schools and in the PSLE for their composition exams.


Key Areas of Focus:
– Consolidate the learning of various writing skills and techniques
– Apply effective writing skills and techniques masterfully in a variety of writing tasks and compositions
– Set clear writing goals and objectives to achieve specific purposes and to engage readers
– Check and edit pieces of writing for language accuracy, range of vocabulary and interest value
– Analyse and model after the effective writing skills and techniques in Mind-Stretching A* Model Compositions


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